

Top 9 Female Body Parts Men Find the Sexiest

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It’s true that the male of the species is programmed to be a tad superficial, looking for certain physical queues in a potential female mate. The queues? Indications of fertility like big lips, wider hips with a narrower waist and even shiny hair, all of which indicate fecund youth. However multiple surveys of men have shown a different, more surprising list of body parts that women have probably never given a second thought to.

1. Feet

  We have never been a fan of feet ourselves; there is just something about the way they look that we can't understand why some of you get turned on by them. But each to their own we guess.

2. Eyes


This one’s a shocker. We would assume it’s safe to say chest or bust would definitely be tied for the number one female body part that men find attractive, but men love to surprise.
According to Cosmopolitan, men ranked the top body part to be the eyes because no matter how different tastes can be – about hair, chest, butt, legs, feet – every man can be disarmed with a sexy glance.
Sometimes, there are other ways to a man’s heart than via the typical cleavage or tight jeans (although, those are definitely up there!).

3. Stomach


All men love a fit woman. The stomach was listed by almost every male in every survey compiled here as one of the sexiest body parts.
They’re attracted to the softness of the skin in the torso area and most men said they love some ab and muscle definition but not too much – they want to see a little feminine curve there. That’s always refreshing to hear.
 4 . Hair


 A woman’s hair is often thought of as a defining feature, and there’s something for everyone.

Some men love brunettes, while many ‘prefer blondes’. Some men love long, luscious hair tickling their skin and others are really attracted to a woman with a short, sophisticated bob that says “I’m fierce and independent”. Some guys have a thing for those fiery redheads.
Either way or whatever you’re into, you’re going to be into your girl’s hair

6. Hips

 A girl with hips who flaunts them is just proving to men that she knows how to move, and there’s nothing a guy finds sexier than that.

Surveys also showed that men prefer women with curvier hips – the more meat the better. If you got that little V that pops out when your shirt rises a bit, make sure to show it off.

  5. Smile

A smile is a really powerful asset and not many men are able to resist a beautiful smile from a woman.
Men surveyed have actually suggested that they’re most attracted to a woman’s smile because it shows that the man is making them happy – and after all, the male ego loves to be loved!


4. Lips

  Fuller and plumper looking lips really make a man take a second glance.

Don’t be mistaken though – most men don’t dig really bright or dark shades of lipstick that call the attention away from the rest of your face.

Keep it simple, and let’s face it, guys will just use their imagination on this one.

3. Breasts


Now we’re getting to the obvious parts.
A revealing cleavage can definitely be all it takes for a man to buy a woman one too many drinks.Most women who have bigger chests tend to flaunt it, and men have no complaints there.
If you’re not so gifted on top, don’t fret – you can definitely make up for it in other aspects of your body, like men’s second favourite body part ever.

9. Butt


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