


Top 7 Wild and Wacky Animal Mating Habits

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Ah, sex. Pandas do it, Birds do it, tortoises do it. Wait a minute! How exactly do they do it? The mating rituals of some animals are wonderfully bizarre. For example: did you know that some insects' genitals explode during sex? Or that some fish can change gender?
Intrigued? Read on for the Top 7 most bizarre animal mating habits.

1.Whiptail Lizard

If the Whiptail Lizard can manage it, I'm sure us humans can. The females have managed to reproduce without any males, through parthenogenesis (from the greek 'virgin creation') - where growth and development of embryos occurs without fertilization by a male. 
This asexual reproduction is, in effect, cloning, as its offspring are exact and complete genetic duplicates of the mother.

2.Angler Fish

Anglerfish don't have to worry about cheating partners or loose lovers as they just are old romantics at heart, keeping the same partner for life. 
Males are born with no digestive system, so when they hatch they immediately look for a female anglerfish to bite in order to release an enzyme that would digest his skin and her body, causing them to fuse. Only when she is ready to spawn does the male then release sperm to reproduce. 
3.Praying Mantis
 16% of sexual encounters between praying mantises include the female eating the male’s head during sex.


Known as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, the aggressive hippo will stop at nothing to impress a mate. 
The anti-social mammal positions itself where his potential mate can see him, and then attempts to attract females by defecating and urinating in a territorial marking display.


It's not the prickly spines that make their mating unusual; it's the way the males like to urinate on the females beforehand. 
If you've ever worried that giving birth to a porcupine is painful for the mother, feel reassured knowing that a baby porcupine's quills are soft when they are born, and only harden an hour after birth

6.Bonobo Monkey

Bonobo monkeys are obsessed with sex. They use it for greeting, resolving conflicts and celebrations - even keeping it within the family.
It has been said that they are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex, with same sex partnerships too

 When a male camel is ready to mate, her pukes up a pink sac (called a “doula”) that hangs from the side of his mouth, and he begins to drool excessively. Female camels find this all very attractive.
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