


12 Wedding Photographers position I did not expect this

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As a photographer, you expect to see some strange things from time to time. It just comes with the territory.  But weddings are supposed to be the perfect, choreographed days of the couple’s dreams.  Lucky for us, nothing ever goes exactly to plan!  Here are 29 of the most absurd, inappropriate and downright embarrassing wedding photos you’ve ever seen, and will probably wish you never did!
I’m not exactly sure what they were going for here…  Are they acting out an upcoming child birth, or the impending consummation of the marriage?
 When you get enough sad bridesmaids together jealous its not THEIR wedding, combined with an open bar, this is the result. Mr. Rob Dyrdek would call this the half-scorpion. Be careful, ladies. Open bars and feelings can be dangerous.
 The good old tradition of removing the garter.  Nothing wrong with that at all, but I am curious what the dress code was at this wedding with a bridesmaid rocking the turquoise tee shirt in the background. Where’s the class in the world? It’s only the *one* time you’re going to get married.
 Top pre-wedding photos usually include the ring, the wedding party getting dressed, pictures with family…. And all the bridesmaids in a bathtub. If there’s anything we can take away from this photo, it’s to request higher ceilings if you’re going to go for a bathroom pic. What’s a wedding without a good bathroom pic?

 Before any expensive, long term decision, it’s obviously important to inspect the merchandise beforehand. Not a good sign they all appear to be laughing. Maybe they just know how to have a good time, and we’ve been doing it wrong this whole time!

Not sure what is creepier. The bride murdering her husband-to-be with a chokehold, or the terrifying humanoid elephant painting exhibit they held their wedding at. That’s definitely not something you come across every day. Where did this couple find such a place?
 Well then… it’s not every day you find a wedding photo where the bride is grabbing the grooms booty. Usually it’s the other way around, or perhaps… not at all. Truth be told, this photo makes a lot more sense if you imagine the bride actually works as a proctologist. At least then, we’d know he’s in good hands!

It doesn’t matter which way you look at this photograph, you’ll be intrigued. I don’t think we’ll ever know exactly why this picture was taken. Although, the look on the face of what I hope is a bridesmaid pretty much says it all. The only thing that comes to my mind is… Russian.

 Hard to believe the photographer got this one by accident, but great timing either way.  What are the odds of this perfectly timed photo where these two bridesmaids are picking some thong wedgies with their left hand? Either way, classic awkward wedding moment. Kudos to this photographer.

 We all know that every girl wants to catch the bouquet of flowers, in hopes that they’ll be the next in line for marriage. I think we can all agree that we’ve never seen someone SO desperate to be that person, as if their life depended on it. If only there was a second photo of these girls’ boyfriend’s faces at this exact moment. My guess is that they were probably out the door, running for their life.
 First of all, what designer in their right mind would make dressed like these? They look like life-size barbie dresses. With that food for thought, not sure if these dresses got in a fight with a wood chipper before the wedding, but at least they can use them to go clubbing after the wedding. #squadgoals

 When your family loses the key to your chastity belt… you get an epic opportunity like this. Funny thing is, I’m sure the grooms buddies will be giving him a call the next day to make sure he’s still himself. My guess is he’ll be a changed man.
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