


8 Celebrities Who Insured Their Body Parts For Millions

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1-Mariah Carey

 Mariah Carey, an amazing singer who has a magical voice. She insured her very special body part for $1 Billion. No, it’s not what you’re thinking… you have a dirty mind.  She insured her legs for of $1 Billion. We’ve never met her insurance agent was, but he’s an absolute legend, can you imagine his bonus? But seriously, why would anyone need to insure his or her legs? Again, her insurance agent is brilliant. We came to the conclusion that if g-d forbid something happened to her legs during an accident, a regular health insurance should cover it. In fact, there are so many health insurances out there that offer awesome coverage for great prices. For that reason we think that celebrities are better off donating their $1 Billion insurance policies than spending it on their legs.

 2-Holly Madison

 Holly Madison, the former sweetheart of Hugh Hefner and a popular reality TV superstar. Are you wondering which body part she insured for millions? It’s an easy one. Madison insured her breasts for a whole $1 million dollars. We think that she must have gotten a super premium policy for her premium breasts. If you’re really bad at telling whether breasts are natural or not, we think that Madison definitely had breast implants. Her breast insurance make a bit more sense than the previous ones we listed, since the policy is likely to cover an extensive range of health procedures that have to do with her plastic surgery, such as such surgery misshape or silicon implants. It may be a little sad that most of us can’t even afford our bills, and Holly Madison insured her breasts for so much money. But we guess she worked hard for it, right? Before going into surgery, particularly a plastic surgery, you’d want to be covered for every single thing that may go wrong. And if you had awesome breasts like Holly Madison? We’d want you to insure them too.



 Rhianna was already known for her legs when she was age 19 Venus Breeze crowned her as the winner of “Celebrity Legs Of a Goddess.” This was back in 2007 when Gillette though so highly of the understand star that it took out an insurance policy on her legs for $1 million. It is pretty well known that dancers are at risk of harming their legs and insurance policies of this type would make sense. A trip or a fall could cause a broken leg, or cuts and scarring, so this makes real sense for Rhianna.

4- Heidi Klum

 Supermodel Heidi has made herself a name as the face of Victoria Secret. Her legs are definitely one of greatest features and it is no wonder that she decided to take out insurance policies on these beauties. The word is that she has insured them for somewhere in the neighborhood $2 million dollars. We imagine that insurance policies of this amount don’t come cheap. Maybe she’s afraid she’ll fall off the runway or trip on the red carpet. Her heels are pretty high so we don’t question her being cautious.


 It comes as no surprise that the queen of pop-rock would want to insure her body parts but why would this middle aged diva want to insure her boobs? It seems that at her age she would be covering them up rather than taking out insurance policies on them. But maybe after all those plastic surgeries they’re worth their weight. She decided along with the insurance companies that they were worth $2 million dollars or a cool million apiece. Maybe now that those pointy bras are out of fashion she is feeling more vulnerable


6-Kylie Minogue

 Kylie, who first came to notice for her role in the Australian soap opera Neighbors, soon moved on to a singing career and at some point decided that plastic surgery was needed to give her butt a lift. Well it’s certainly looking perky. It’s not a J-Lo sized butt but it certainly deserves insurance policies to protect those implants. Maybe the plastic surgeries were a bit pricey though. She insured them for $5 million, and that comes per butt to – oh you do the math.


7-Kim Kardashian

 We’re not entirely sure that Kim Kardashian would even be famous for anything if she didn’t have her curves, so her ‘butt insurance’ comes as no surprise to us.  We’re not even surprised that the insurance policy insures her curviest asset to the value of $21 million dollars.  After all the surgery she’s clearly had to make her figure look the way that it does, she is bound to have butt implants which can rupture without warning so if her implants fail or if she falls and injures her bottom, the insurance policy will payout.


8-Bette Davis

 Bette Davis was one of the first women of film.  Her iconic and memorable look was one that she clearly wanted to protect.  She took out a very sensible insurance policy that would protect her perfect figure.  Whilst her insurer told her that she must stick to a strict diet, if she put on any weight that would deem her body to not be fit for a corset, she would receive a $28,000 dollar payout.  Whilst this doesn’t sound like much, with the rate of inflation, these days, she’d have received $2 million dollars!


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