1. Sun Bathing
Sun bathing? You look a bit hot, let me cool you down.
2. Truck vs Physics
This truck driver is learning a hard lesson: Just because it can fit in the back of your dump truck doesn’t mean it should.
3. The Opposite of Hurdling
4. Scary Ferry
How in the world this boat got so unbalanced we have no idea.
5 Not a Footrace You Want to Lose
I don’t think now is a good time to tell this man that hippos can run almost 20 miles per hour.
6 No Through Traffic
Sometimes the signs telling you not to travel a particular road aren’t just bureaucratic malarkey. Sometime “No Through Traffic” literally means…”No Through Traffic.”
7 Incontinent Cement Truck
On the first day on the job, Larry might not have been in the right location to learn what lever dumps the cement.
11. Scary Ferry