


Top 7 Most Ridiculous Lies Hollywood Tells Us About Women

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If you’ve ever watched any movie or television show, you’ve been shown a certain stereotype about how women supposedly behave in the real world. 

While the portrayal of women in film and TV is progressively getting better with more interesting roles and stronger characters, Hollywood is still a long way from depicting what real women are like in the real world.

1. We Look Hot All The Time

Here’s a list of times when a woman doesn’t generally look her best: at the beach, at the gym, waking up, or when the world is ending.  

2. We Walk Around In Heels All Day Long

Women in movies wear heels all the time – to dinner, to dates, to work, to the freaking gym. 

In fact, plenty of women hate wearing heels so much that they just don’t. Ever. You can get away with wearing a fancy flat to work or on dates or even to a wedding if it’s fancy enough. 

Just because Hollywood seems to enjoy punishing the women’s feet, does not mean real women do

3. We Can Eat Burgers, Never Work Out And Have A Perfect Body

Sure, some women are blessed by the genetic lottery but by some, I mean very, very few. 

Let’s start off by saying that many women will never, ever have a “perfect body” by society’s standards, no matter how much they work out and how healthy they eat. All bodies are built differently and it’s important to love whatever your version of healthy is. 

In order to have a perfect body, a woman will have to work out and eat healthy at one point or another in her life, even if she has it easy while she’s younger.

4. We Can’t Be Friends With A Guy Without Falling In Love 

Why can’t men and women just be friends? Cue all the romantic comedies where a woman is dating Mr. Wrong throughout the movie, only to realize that she’s been best friends with Mr. Right all along. 

First of all, I’m fairly certain that if two people of the opposite sex are sexually attracted to one another, they figure it out pretty quickly. It doesn’t take six years of friendship to discover. Sexual attraction can be pretty much a six-second decision. 

Secondly, this makes it seem like women value romantic relationships with members of the opposite sex over platonic relationships with members of the opposite sex. Plenty of women have friendships with men that they cherish, even if they aren’t going to suddenly discover that they have romantic feelings.

5. Stop, Drop and Roll: It’s A Wedding!

According to films, weddings are the most important event in a woman’s life. Whether it’s your wedding, your best friend’s wedding, your neighbor’s cousin’s wedding, it is a freaking wedding and, as a woman, you will go bananas over it. 

On top of that, it seems that weddings are the endgame for most women. According to Hollywood, a promotion, owning a beautiful townhouse or even purchasing a new Chanel bag would be cool, but a wedding is the only thing a woman could truly want. 

I gotta tell ya, some real-life women would even choose the Chanel bag over the wedding. Some women don’t dream about being a bride. Some women don’t give a shit about their neighbor’s cousin’s wedding or any weddings in general. Some women really are just there for the open bar.

6. We Always Get Our Way With Our Breasts

Since when did breasts become a passport into and out of things? Women do not always get out of traffic tickets with their breasts. I mean, sometimes we have to cry too! 

Another unbelievable Hollywood standard is how often women can get into authorized personnel areas with their breasts. More times than not, if there is a kick-ass, empowered female detective or private investigator, she’ll simply unbutton her top button, showing just the right amount of cleavage and get the information she needs to crack the case. That is not real life. 

We cannot get classified documents, get out of a speeding ticket, or get into college with our boobs

7. Pillow Fights And Cat Fights Happen

sorry, guys, but pillow fights and cat fights just don’t happen. We don’t have sexy sleepovers, during which we practice kissing each other and have a pillow fight. I know everyone likes the idea of the feathers and the boobs but it’s just not real life. 

Girls also rarely get into cat fights with lots of slapping and hair pulling. Honestly, if girls are fighting it is mostly done by talking about each other behind one another’s back, which is much less sexy than two girls aggressively rolling around on the floor together. 

And, if girls are having sleepovers, we’re usually chugging wine and binge-watching something on Netflix. I understand why guys would like to think about two sexy women up on each other like that but it’s just not real life.

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