


Top 8 Booties Hollywood Likes to Ignore

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For example, have you ever seen a commercial on television about a food product and then went to go buy that food product and it wasn't quite the same?
We draw this comparison with celebrities and their looks. This is exactly what we're talking about when it comes to celebrities and their looks.

1. Coco

There's a cliche that goes: bigger is better. However, we don't want massive, Coco, we want shapely and fit.

2. Kesha

Kesha's body is anything but a wonderland and she has lost some of her fitness edge while not performing.

3. Iggy Azalea
 Now, Iggy isn't necessarily forgettable, but we wish we could forget some of those wide-angled selfies of her rear end she floods the internet with. Give us some balance Iggy and we'll flock right back to ya

4. Jessica Simpson

No matter how you shape this one it is definitely a double-edged sword. Now, Jessica has admitted she does struggle with weight and therein lies us not wanting to attack her too much for this. But reality is reality.
 5.Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey got implants and suddenly went from a thin petite women to an hourglass figure beauty. But like with any hourglass, sometimes it could be too full.
 6. Kim Kardashian

Maybe back in the day, Kim Kardashian had an exceptional rear end. But these days, her rear end is expanding with time. And when you see her photoshopped pics that do not match up with candid shots in public, we got to call you out.
 7. Katy Perry

Katy Perry may be California Dreaming a lot of the time but she definitely isn't killing it off stage. In particular, when we got her candidly from behind you can see quite a bit of extra luggage being carried around.
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